
Friday, August 24, 2012

We Are Here!

Just a quick update to let you know we made it to Houston in one piece! The move was hectic and I only went crazy about a dozen times, but we are settling in finally. We were with out internet until this past Wednesday- the reason for my non-existence around here. I do have so much to share with you and hope I can carve out some time in between unpacking to get it all written down!

                                          (Luke trying to lend a hand by driving the van!)

In the mean time I hope every one is enjoying their final days of summer and are surviving the back to school time!

God Bless!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

It's a....

We had an early ultrasound done since we are moving on Monday and found out we are having a girl! We are so thrilled! Just hoping this little one stays a girl! With our second son Luke they told us originally that he was a girl...nope...all boy! Haha! So we will see!

Here is our little girl...Charlotte

And my 16.5 Week belly. I am finally showing! Yay!

Now it is crunch time...only 4 days till we move to Houston! AAAHHHHH!!!!!