
Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Blog That Started It All

Up until about three months ago I have never even heard of such a thing as a "craft blog". I had no idea there was this wonderful "world" on the internet full of great projects, ideas, inspiration, and FREE patterns.

So today I am going to share the website that introduced me to the world of craft blogging :-)

I absolutely love this site! It has TONS of ideas for mamas wanting to make things for their little ones :-)

On this site you will find:
free toy patterns
baby food recipes
baby clothes patterns
how to sew a baby sling
DIY Nursery decor Ideas
Diaper Bag sewing patterns
...and SO MUCH MORE!

I found this site just before Christmas and used a lot of the ideas and patterns they provide to make wrap around skirts and purses for Erica, Miranda & Andrea (my lil sisters).

and family dolls for emma (my little little sister).

I am going to be adding to her collection over we add more hubbies and babies to our family :-)

I loved making these dolls. And each doll only needed a 1/4 yard of fabric to create!

This website was also the first place that taught me how to make clothes for Jack without a pattern...once I found the tutorial on how to make baby pants I tried it immediately! -we currently don't have a printer so I had to free hand my own pattern- but it was suprisingly EASY PEASY to make them.

Now I don't have a little girl... but I do have two friends who do. So I decided to try one of the dress tutorials on this site and give them as presents :-)

-can't wait till I have a little girl of my own to make more!

This website has endless ideas!

A few of the ones that are still on my "to do list"...

A Diaper Bag

Bean Bag Toss

Wooden Blocks -I LOVE this idea! Especially since we don't have a lot of money to buy wood blocks :-)

Freezer Paper Stencils

There are plenty of ideas to last quite a now go forth and get creating!!!

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