
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A New Journey

Recently I have been doing some thinking along these lines..."man I really miss blogging. But I haven't blogged in almost a year, and what if I don't keep up with it..and..and..and". Have you ever done that before? Had a mental argument with yourself? Well at the end of all my thinking and arguing I decided to give blogging another go.

However, I really don't like limiting myself to just crafts or stuff I make. I really want my blog to be about more. To be more of a reflection of myself. Not just the things I do or make but the experiences, journeys, and changes in my life. My hope is that in sharing with you, you will be encouraged, or challenged, or simply just laugh.

So I will start out by sharing with you our latest journey. My husband, two children, and I live in Oklahoma. We are very happy and very comfortable. My husband works at a church as the children's pastor and I stay at home with our kids. We love our life. We love the people in our life. For us, life is really pretty wonderful. Comfortable, is a great way to sum it up.

...but God...

It is amazing how powerful those two little words can be. Three months ago we would have never imagined how powerful. So here is the whole story...

Three months ago, close friends of ours from college called us and said they wanted to talk with us. We told them we could skype later that night, but they insisted that is had to be in person. My husband and I were pretty confused, but decided to make the drive to spend a weekend with them.

On our way to visit my husband and I were discussing the possible reasons why they would have to talk to us in person. I thought maybe they were pregnant again, but they had always told us that over the phone in the past. My husband decided that it had to be something job related. He figured that either one of two things were happening. That either they were leaving their church to go plant a church and wanted us to come, or they wanted us to come be the children's pastors at their church. (Our friends are youth pastors for a church about two hours away from us) Either way, my husband said, we were NOT doing either of those ridiculous things. We are happy where we are and love the work we are doing. Besides, there is still so much to be done!

...but God...

Our plans, are not always God plans. Our plans were to stay put for AT LEAST the next 5-7 years. Our plans were to continue ministering to the people we love here. To stay here. Little did we know while driving to see our friends, that God was about to radically change our plans and our lives.

Our friends told us that they were in fact leaving their ministry position, salary, and house, to move to Houston, Texas to help a team plant a multicultural church. They then told us that they wanted us to pray about moving with the team to plant this church.

Our response was...“But God you just don’t understand! We still have so much to do here! We love these people! We...we....we...we”

...but God...

To make a long story short God’s plans finally won out over ours. I can say that God has truly called us to help plant a multicultural church in Houston and we have fully surrendered to His will. We are so excited and scared at the same time. Leaving everything comfortable and familiar for the uncertain and completely different is going to be difficult to say the least. What will Chad do for a job? How will we provide for our two kids?

...but God...

Aren’t those two words so wonderful! In man’s eyes none of this makes sense. To leave a wonderful job, safety, security, comfort, friends, it just all seems so ridiculous. But my God is bigger than man, He is bigger than a job, than finances, than security! With my God ALL things are possible! And that is what we are believing Him for... ALL THINGS!

God will provide my husband with a job. He will provide us with a home. He will provide us with food. He will provide us with security. As long as we are willing to do whatever God’s will is, and not our own, we have no need to fear!

I will be continually sharing our journey with you all, to let you know what God is doing for the team and Advance Church. Please be praying for us as we step out on this great journey.

If you want to know more about Advance Church check out our website

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