
Friday, April 20, 2012

Frugal and Simple Laundry Week: Tips for Managing Laundry

To wrap up our Frugal and Simple Laundry Series today, I am going to be sharing just a few tips for managing your laundry. Like I have said before, laundry in our house can seem to get out of control pretty quickly....and we only have four people! Having a good routine and schedule helps me to stay on top of it and make sure my family has clean clothes that actually get put away.

When I first started working out a system for our laundry, I tried doing a laundry day. I would leave all laundry till Monday, then knock it all out in one day. Sounds great right? You only have one day of dreaded laundry and the rest of the week you don't have to think about it.

After the first week of trying this system, I quickly found it was not for us! I ended up with about 11 loads of laundry. I couldn't believe the amount of laundry we had gone through in just one week! It ended up taking me till Wednesday to finally get it all finished up. It was a disaster.

So I ditched that system. However, it may still work for you. If you only have 2 or 3 people in your family and don't use cloth diapers. Your laundry mountain may be a more manageable size, making it possible for you to get it all done in one day.

Here is the system we finally did settle on...

1-2 loads of laundry per day. Washed, dried, folded, and put away that same day.

I love this system. It is simple, manageable, and helps me stay on top of things.

I wash 1 load of clothing each day...
Every day I check our laundry basket to see which load (lights, whites, brights, or darks) needs to be washed that day. I try to alternate each day what load I do to make sure they all get washed in a timely manner and we don't end up with moldy clothes that have been at the bottom of the basket. Yuck!

I wash 1 load of towels or diapers each day...
I alternate every other day between towels or diapers. Since we basically us cloth everything (diapers, wipes, hand towels, kitchen towels, napkins, table cloths, and our Un-paper Towels) it is very important that I keep fresh, clean ones ready to be used.

This is basically what my schedule looks like:

Monday: Load of dark clothes. Load of sheets.
Tuesday: Load of white clothes. Load of diapers.
Wednesday: Load of light clothes. Load of towels.
Thursday: Load of brights/dark clothes. Load of diapers.
Friday: Load of white clothes. Load of towels or another load of clothes (which ever is needed more)
Saturday: Load of clothing or towels. Load of diapers.
Sunday: Rest :-)

As our family grows I will probably have to make some adjustments or even change my system completely. But, for now, this works perfectly!

Here are a few other laundry systems that I found that may work for your family (or even mine in the future)...

Personal Responsibility System
              -As your children get older they can be responsible for washing, folding, and putting away their own laundry. Assign each child a day that is their wash day.

                 I think this system could be great since it teaches your child responsibility for their own clothing. They have to learn how to manage their clothing so it lasts them all week. Plus, they actually learn how to do laundry. It may take a while to train your children how to properly do their laundry. Additionally, you may have some kids who throw dirty clothes back into their drawers to avoid doing laundry.

Room by Room System
                -Each room is assigned a day when their clothing gets washed.
Monday- Towels & Diapers
Tuesday -Girls Room
Wednesday -Boys Room
Thursday - Towels & Diapers
Friday - Master Bedroom
Saturday -Sheets & Towels or diapers

Pick a system that works for your family! One that won't leave you feeling stressed out or overwhelmed.

A few of my favorite laundry tips:

-Hate matching socks? Put each persons socks into a mesh bag. They get washed, and you don't have to hunt for t matching pair!

-Hate putting your clothes away? Everything too crammed? De-clutter it! Only keep a set amount of clothing for each person. Get rid of the rest, sell it or donate it!

-Put kids clothes away in their dresser in outfits. This way little ones can grab their own clothes out and actually match! If you really want to you can even label: Monday, Tuesday, etc.

-Have a family closet. I love the idea of all the clothes in one place!

Here are a few awesome ideas found on Pinterest for organizing and managing your laundry:

 Laundry Basket Dresser.  Find the how to here on

Laundry organization.. Someday!
Great Solution if you are limited on space! Directions to make your own found here.

Laundry Room Organization
Love this idea for reuniting lost socks! From Decor-ganized Crafts

Laundry Room Organizing
I definitely need to do this! From Better Homes and Gardens.

I think something like this would be great in kids rooms! Rather than use a dresser have their clothes in easily accessible, under the bed, carts! From Martha Stewart.

Put folded sheets into their matching pillowcases for neat, fast organization  www.marthastewart... 
Organize your bed linens in their own pillowcase.

use comforter bags from dollar tree to store clothing. 
I love this idea! Much cheaper than storage tubs! From Attempting Aloha

Thanks for joining me for our Frugal and Simple Laundry Series! 
You can find the other posts in our series here: 

Do you have any tried and true laundry tips or tricks that you love? Share below in the comments section! I would love to hear them! 

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Linking to Frugal Day Sustainable Ways


  1. I love your laundry ideas...great post...

    1. Thanks Deb! You have been a wonderful encouragement to me with all of your comments!

  2. Hi, Lorissa! I just wanted you to know that I awarded you the Liebster Award on my blog today! I really enjoy reading your blog! :)

    1. Thanks Danielle! This totally made my day!!!!!!!!!

  3. I;m having a similar battle. I now was every day but fold and put away once a week. It's almost working... thanks for the ideas.

    1. When I am having a super busy week that is how I end up doing it...washing two loads a day and folding it all on one day. Not my favorite way...but it gets the job done.
