Oh man. This little boy turns one today. Where has the time gone? If feels like he should be 6 maybe 7 months old...but One!? Really!?!?
To my precious Luke on your first Birthday,
The first time they placed you in my arms is a feeling I don't ever want to forget. You were so sweet, so precious, so perfect. I loved your little button nose, your wrinkly skin, and the fact that you were so tiny, yet pudgy, that the nurses nicknamed you "macho man".
Our little Luke Israel. You have been such a blessing to us. I have loved every moment holding you, kissing you, playing with you, and teaching you.
You have been my snuggler. My little cuddle bug. I love that even when I am having a stressful day a quick hug or snuggle from you can turn it all around.
You started out as such a serious little guy. I thought maybe you would bring balance in our family since your brother and daddy are so funny....
...but you have since become the funniest one yet. I love to hear you walk around the house giggling at yourself for no real reason. You always have a smile on your face that cheers any one up instantly.

As you continue to grow I want you to know that I will always love you, care for you, teach you, help you, listen to you, laugh with you, and to cry with you. I want you to always remember how loved and cherished you truly are!
I can't wait to see, in the many years to come, what kind of boy, teenager, and man you become. Always keep your eyes focused on God. Serving Him above all else.

I love you Luke! Happy 1st Birthday!
"My son, keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you; keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye; bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart."
Proverbs 7:1-3
Proverbs 7:1-3
He's so cute!!!! :)